Moving to a new home can be fun for the whole family. However, you are not the only ones moving away; you must also bring all your belongings to the new house! To help you facilitate this organisation, we’ve created a list of some important tips for moving:
A move starts with packing the goods, but this part can be the most frustrating if you are not very well-prepared. Before you begin, make sure you have all the necessary moving equipment on hand. It includes the following common items: containers of different sizes, cardboard boxes and/or plastic bins, labels for boxes and permanent black marker pens, adhesive tape and dispenser, shock-proof packaging (bubble wrap, newspapers, paper, packaging, etc.), scissors and / or utility knife, Ziploc type plastic bags for nuts and screws and tools for disassembling large objects.
Removalist boxes are preferred because they are strong and come in standard sizes. The same size boxes are quicker and easier to pack. Strong bags can also be used, however shopping bags and garbage bags are not recommended as they often tear, leaving contents scattered around the truck.
You will inevitably find things you do not want to keep when you pack. Plan in advance what to do with these items. You have the choice of donating them to a charity and/or keeping them for a potential sale of a move; the goods sold could even pay for your moving truck!
Try packing everything into bags or boxes. It takes considerable time picking up odds and ends and finding somewhere to put them on the truck. Use smaller boxes for heavier items like books, CDs, crockery, and wines. If smaller boxes are not available, pack a few heavier items on the bottom and continue to fill with light items. Pack clothes, sheets and bedding in big boxes.
Electronic products are fragile, and it is often difficult to pack them properly. One of the best tips for moving electronic products is to pack them in their original packaging if you keep them. Thus, they can be relocated safely. Otherwise, be sure to pack your electronic products properly, for example in blankets.
Always pack clothes in vacuum-sealed bags to minimise space. Thus, you can transform the equivalent of five containers of clothing into one container. Dollar stores typically sell this type of bag to vacuum seal clothing. Give it a try and if everything works well, get a dozen more bags for your linens, coats and other clothes.
Try not to overfill boxes. Boxes that are overfilled and can’t be sealed are hard to pack on the truck and take up valuable space. Fragile items should be well wrapped, preferably in bubble wrap and in smaller boxes. Make sure the boxes are well-marked with FRAGILE and make the removalist aware of the fragile boxes on the moving day. It is best to wrap each piece of glassware and crockery individually. This way they are far less susceptible to breaking. Wrap your plates in bundles, with paper separating each plate and overhanging paper wrapped around the sides.
It is best to switch off, empty, and drain all water from the fridge before the removalists arrive. Additionally, it is crucial to leave the fridge switched off at its new place for a few hours to let the gas settle. Please refer to the fridge user manual for further instructions. Empty and pack the cupboards in the kitchen, ensuring all jar lids and caps are tightly closed. Secure frozen food in an esky, preferably with cold packs or ice.
We can dismantle beds and other bulk furniture. However, if you wish to save time on the removal day, and you are able to dismantle the items, it will reduce the cost of the move.
Please drain all petrol and flammable materials from garden equipment to avoid a bonfire on the truck. Moreover, removalist insurance does not cover the transportation of flammable materials, including gas bottles.
Do not assume that you can package everything just a few days before the day of the move. Packaging goods takes time, and you want to make sure you do it well. If you package your goods at the last minute, you will experience serious headaches as you rush to pack everything in time or make unnecessary trips. During the day of the move, you should dedicate most of your time to loading and unloading the goods. A month is usually enough, but consider the property you have to move, and the time you have to do all the packaging.
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